TRD Sport Engine Oil 5W-40

TRD Sport Engine Oil 5W-40

100% синтетический высокоэффективный смазочный материал, одобренный Toyota Racing Разработка (TRD) для дизельных двигателей с турбонаддувом. Он был разработан из сотрудничество между TRD и Motul. Он специально разработан с уникальной технологией обработки дизельной сажи и защиты выбросов системы управления в современных дизельных пикапах с турбонаддувом.

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100% синтетический высокоэффективный смазочный материал, одобренный Toyota Racing Разработка (TRD) для дизельных двигателей с турбонаддувом. Он был разработан из сотрудничество между TRD и Motul. Он специально разработан с уникальной технологией обработки дизельной сажи и защиты выбросов системы управления в современных дизельных пикапах с турбонаддувом.

  • Описание

    TYPE OF USE TRD Sport Engine Oil 5W40 (for Diesel Turbo) is a high performance 100% synthetic lubricant endorsed by TOYOTA RACING DEVELOPMENT (TRD). It was developed from the collaboration between TRD and MOTUL. It is specifically formulated with unique technology to handle diesel soot and protects emissions control systems in modern turbocharged diesel pick-up trucks. Suitable for any type of Diesel engines, especially calling for ACEA C3 performance. ACEA C3 is the latest specification for vehicles meeting Euro IV & V emission regulation. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS ACEA C3 API CF RECOMENDATIONS Drain interval : according to manufacturers’ recommendations and tuned to your own use. Before use always refer to the owner manual or handbook of the vehicle.


    Viscosity grade SAE J 300 5W-40

    Density at 15°C (68°F) ASTM D4052 0.858

    Viscosity at 40°C (104°F) ASTM D445 84.9 mm²/s

    Viscosity at 100°C (212°F) ASTM D445 14.2 mm²/s

    Viscosity index ASTM D2270 174 TBN ASTM D2896 7.05 mg KOH/g

TYPE OF USE TRD Sport Engine Oil 5W40 (for Diesel Turbo) is a high performance 100% synthetic lubricant endorsed by TOYOTA RACING DEVELOPMENT (TRD). It was developed from the collaboration between TRD and MOTUL. It is specifically formulated with unique technology to handle diesel soot and protects emissions control systems in modern turbocharged diesel pick-up trucks. Suitable for any type of Diesel engines, especially calling for ACEA C3 performance. ACEA C3 is the latest specification for vehicles meeting Euro IV & V emission regulation. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS ACEA C3 API CF RECOMENDATIONS Drain interval : according to manufacturers’ recommendations and tuned to your own use. Before use always refer to the owner manual or handbook of the vehicle.


Viscosity grade SAE J 300 5W-40

Density at 15°C (68°F) ASTM D4052 0.858

Viscosity at 40°C (104°F) ASTM D445 84.9 mm²/s

Viscosity at 100°C (212°F) ASTM D445 14.2 mm²/s

Viscosity index ASTM D2270 174 TBN ASTM D2896 7.05 mg KOH/g